
Accelerating Renewable Energy Equitably

To address the climate crisis, it is crucial that we replace fossil fuel-powered energy with renewable sources like solar. Deploying clean energy rapidly, responsibly, and equitably is a critical part of meeting our climate goals and addressing the climate crisis. C3 works to give every sector of our community including decision-makers, businesses, nonprofits, and residents the tools they need to accelerate renewable energy development and installation equitably in our community.

Additionally, there are a lot of differences in solar regulations by locality in Virginia, and across the U.S. Outdated local codes and ordinances can easily restrict the development of clean energy infrastructure, and progress to meet emission reduction goals. To expedite, standardize, and clarify the process of local on- and off-site utility-scale solar development, C3 created a Solar Justice Scorecard.

In addition to the Scorecard, C3 has created a diverse set of tools including C3’s Energy Burden Studies, Energy Resource Hub, reports, recommendations, and more for Central Virginians to learn more about local access to equitable clean energy.

Explore C3’s Energy Resources to learn more.

Energy Resource Hub

In February 2025, The Community Climate Collaborative in partnership with Albemarle County, The City of Charlottesville, and the Local Alliance Energy Program (LEAP) launched a new Energy Resource Hub to connect homeowners, renters, and businesses in the City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County with government rebates and incentives.

The Energy Resource Hub provides support with the following incentives:

  • Rebates for energy-efficient appliances, HVAC systems, and weatherization.

  • Incentives for solar installation.

  • Tax credits for EV purchases and home EV charger installation.

  • Tax credits for energy efficiency home upgrades.

  • Rebates for businesses installing EV chargers

An illustration od Solar Climate Justice Scorecard

Solar Climate Justice Scorecard: A Tool for Climate Equity

This public tool equips advocates, decision-makers, and developers with the knowledge of how a proposed solar project might influence climate justice goals to better advance smart, local solutions to climate change. Join C3 to advocate for equitable solar in every sector of our communities!

C3 is committed to advocating for those impacted by high energy costs and energy burden throughout Central Virginia. Many of the same communities who have been historically discriminated against and disenfranchised are actively navigating hardship to pay utility bills.

Uncovering Energy Inequity

We are currently working on local energy burden studies throughout Central Virginia to analyze energy burden and its drivers at a local level, seeking to understand the relationship between energy and housing affordability.

Our goal is to not only identify key drivers of energy burden, but also actively map disparities between households based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to race and ethnicity, income level, home ownership vs renting, and the age of someone’s building. 

C3 Energy Burden Studies

This interactive map displays the distribution of energy burden in Charlottesville and how the distribution of other factors like race, education level, and homeownership compare.

*Click the double arrow symbol in the top left (>>) to select which factors you’d like to see on the map.

On this webinar, C3 staff discuss what the data on energy burden revealed; where energy burden exists in Charlottesville; and potential reasons why. The discussion was followed by a few words from community partners and a listener Q&A.

Charlottesville’s Energy Burden

C3 completed Charlottesville’s energy burden study in 2020. Explore our resources from the study!

Richmond’s and Albemarle’s Energy Burden

In 2024, C3’s Policy Team kicked off ambitious energy burden studies in Richmond, VA and Albemarle County, VA. In this video we share more about our study and a breakdown of what energy burden means and how it appears in our local communities.

Are Your Energy Bills High?

We invite you to fill out our quick survey to inform our study and learn more about residents experiencing high energy costs throughout central Virginia.

This survey takes 5-7 minutes to complete and you can choose to remain anonymous.


Explore the Solar Climate Justice Scorecard, learn about the projects C3 has analyzed using the scorecard, and access additional resources—including solar FAQs—to support solar development that truly benefits our communities.


Join us in making a difference by lending your voice, your energy, and your ideas to our movement. Join our campaign!


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