Thank You, Caetano!
When I joined C3 as its first executive director in January 2019, the City of Charlottesville and the County of Albemarle had little to boast about regarding climate. By July of that year, both the City and County had set ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 45% by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. There was just one problem. We needed a roadmap to how we might succeed, and few models existed for climate policy work at the local level.
That summer, we hired C3’s first Director of Climate Policy, Caetano de Campos Lopes, one of the steadfast leaders and advocates responsible for making C3’s roadmap for success come to life. During his tenure, C3 notched notable wins for solar development in Albemarle and zero-emission transit in Charlottesville; our policy team grew to three and now serves the City of Richmond, and C3 became the go-to source for local climate policy work in the Commonwealth.
Here is a brief look at five remarkable accomplishments during Caetano’s five years of service. Under Caetano’s leadership, C3:
Published our ground-breaking Uncovering Energy Inequity report, identifying nearly 5,000 Charlottesville households experiencing unsustainable energy costs and connecting climate and housing affordability. C3’s policy team is now working on similar reports for the City of Richmond and Albemarle County.
Launched the Accessible, Clean Transit - ACT on Climate campaign. Our sign-on letter to advance transit equity was delivered to Charlottesville City Council in March 2022 and won the support of 368 community signees and 23 businesses and nonprofits.
Responded to Charlottesville’s draft Climate Action Plan (CAP) with a sign-on letter containing 14 key recommendations collaboratively developed alongside local community-based organizations and trusted community leaders. With 327 signatures, we surpassed our goal, emphasizing the community’s desire for climate solutions that address justice and sustainability.
Released our innovative and nationally-recognized Solar Climate Justice Scorecard to address inconsistencies in solar regulation. This first-of-its-kind, open-source tool assesses the environmental and equity aspects of on- and off-site solar projects. C3 used the scorecard to assess Hexagon Energy’s Woodridge Solar project, a proposed solar farm that would generate enough electricity to power 30,000 homes in Albemarle County, ultimately backing the project. This effort influenced the County Board of Supervisors to grant Hexagon a special-use permit and pave the way for thousands of homes to have clean energy.
Secured the City of Charlottesville’s commitment to a zero-emission transit system by 2040. The City is piloting Battery Electric Buses (BEB) this year and securing funding for a facility to house and charge BEBs. Charlottesville will purchase its last diesel transit bus in 2027. Improving our transit system is essential to extending opportunity and access to all, breaking the cycle of poverty that burdens many underserved households.
During an organization's lifetime, certain individuals make their mark and help shape the organization's mission and vision. We know those individuals cannot stay with us forever but must pursue new and exciting endeavors. If you see Caetano in the community, please thank him for all he has done for our climate and community. C3 wouldn’t be the organization it is today without his dedication.