2024 Wrapped: Local Action Yielding Results


It might surprise you to learn just how many decisions local boards and councils make that impact our climate. This year alone, the C3 team has attended dozens of local decision-making board meetings in Charlottesville, Richmond, and Albemarle County. Your advocacy and our partnerships with local government staff have yielded incredible results in 2024. Here is a snapshot of all we’ve accomplished together this year, and there is quite a lot to celebrate.


The City of Charlottesville is our longest-standing partner, and the results are impressive. The City team continues to lean into climate solutions, and C3 has engaged with the following initiatives:

  • Committed to zero-emission transit by 2040.

  • Passed comprehensive zoning reform to increase density and improve housing affordability, which lays the groundwork for a carbon-neutral future.

  • Passed its Transit Strategic Plan which sets the path toward improved frequency, reliability, and a zero-emission future.

  • Added two new all-electric school buses to Charlottesville’s fleet.

  • Began changing all City-owned street lights to LEDs.

  • Adopted Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) to support the financing of clean energy projects in commercial buildings.

  • Voted to form a Regional Transit Authority alongside Albemarle County, enabling greater collaboration between the localities and expanding funding opportunities.


The City of Richmond is C3’s newest partner. While we are only just getting started, the C3 team is already working with City staff on some important initiatives, including:

  • Launched a study of energy burden for the City of Richmond, finding more than 30,000 households experience unsustainable energy costs. Findings will be published in 2025.

  • Won a Department of Energy grant with the City of Richmond to assess energy efficiency in commercial buildings in the city.


Albemarle County has a big role to play in carbon neutral future, and the C3 team is working with County staff on the following initiatives:

  • Joined the County’s Climate Resilience Cohort to build an equitable plan for climate adaptation.

  • Advocated for a climate-forward solar ordinance in Albemarle County. C3’s recommendation for the draft ordinance will be released in January.

  • Emphasized equity and climate and the core principals behind Albemarle County’s Comprehensive Plan Revision, AC44.

  • Secured a grant from Albemarle County’s Climate Action Grants to facilitate energy efficiency and community engagement in key gathering places throughout the County.

    There is so much more work ahead of us in 2025, and we will need your voice. Until then, join us in celebrating all we’ve accomplished together for a better future for C3 communities!


Resolutions & Recycling: The 411 to Effectively Recycle in Charlottesville


Embracing Regional Transit Authorities: A Path Forward for Charlottesville and Albemarle County