Who’s Taking Action on Climate?
Bold Action Starts With Us
Real change starts with you and me, with all of us! C3 empowers local families, businesses, schools, and government to take meaningful steps that reduce climate pollution and make our homes healthier, our businesses more prosperous, and our community stronger. We are not leading on climate in Central Virginia. Not yet. With you, C3 plans to change that. Learn more about how you can make a difference.
Corporate Sustainability
Businesses across the U.S. are stepping up as leaders of climate solutions. Charlottesville and Albemarle businesses are no exception. To date over 200 local businesses have joined the Better Business Challenge, a friendly competition among businesses, schools, congregations, and non-profits to save money while reducing their environmental impact. 16 organizations have joined our Green Business Alliance as climate leaders ready to embrace the triple bottom line: people, planet, and profits.
Make Your Own Impact
We all care deeply about our quality of life in our community and have a strong desire to protect our children's future and our natural resources. Right now, in our own homes, we can reduce pollution, improve health, and save money by reducing energy use and making other lifestyle changes. C3's Home Energy Challenge is a fun, team-based approach to cutting your energy costs while protecting the environment.
Energy Equity
Ensuring an equitable transition to clean energy and a sustainable future means addressing the needs of all members of our community. That’s why our C3 team aims to infuse inclusion, diversity, and equity into each of our campaigns and our policy work. From convening social justice groups to engaging communities where they are, our team strives to listen to the needs of all community members and works to increase access to climate action.
Accessible, Clean Transportation (ACT)
Transportation is a central part of everyday life, connecting us to essential services, economic opportunity, recreation, and each other. The quality of transportation infrastructure significantly impacts the quality of our lives: our ability to care for ourselves, provide for our families, and achieve our goals. It also impacts our climate.
Youth Leadership
C3 works with young people, educators, administrators, and parents on ways to make a positive impact both within their schools, at home, and in our community. From the Green Schools Network to our Climate Justice summer camp, we love working with the next generation of climate leaders.
Give your Time, Talent, or Treasure
Volunteer or donate to help us expand our message and spur more action on climate! We have a need for event volunteers, climate advocates, and translators. Join C3 and our big tent approach to enacting climate policies and solutions right here at home.
Read our latest blog discussing a pivotal moment for the future of transit in Charlottesville and Albemarle County. On Wednesday, December 11, and Monday, December 16, respectively, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors and Charlottesville City Council are expected to vote in favor of forming a Regional Transit Authority (RTA). Check out to learn more about the vote, and the value of developing Regional Transit Authorities throughout Central Virginia.