Volunteer with Us


Hi, I’m Sarah Delgado. As the Operations Manager at C3, I work with volunteers who are interested in helping C3 with our work. 

I think volunteering is a great way of doing something that connects you to the larger community and helps others, while making you feel good inside. It can also be a way to hone some of your professional skills and add to your experience! 

I know everyone has a lot going on these days, so if you don’t have time to volunteer, that’s ok! We would love your help, whether you have just an hour, one time or want to commit to helping for a few hours a week.

Put a C3 sticker on your car!


Micro-volunteering is a new trend where volunteers can do a small volunteer activity in a short amount of time (like under 5 minutes), but still have a big impact!  Some micro-volunteer activities include sharing a post on social media, signing a letter, leaving a Google review, or putting a C3 sticker on your car. These are simple ways to spread the word about climate solutions and what C3 has going on. 

Continuous Needs

We also hold tabling events through the spring and summer and can always use someone to help put up our C3 display and talk to folks about climate solutions. Most of these commitments are about 2 hours and on the weekend or evenings. In the office, we often have translation work that needs to be done, graphic design work, and data to be compiled. A few hours here and there from a caring volunteer can save us time and money as a non-profit, and allow us to focus on other key work.


Volunteer at one of our events!


Larger Volunteer Projects

At C3 some of our bigger volunteer projects are our special events that we hold several times a year - our Party for the Planet in the fall is a great example of that!  Those volunteers helped us pull off an event with almost 800 people by taking tickets, helping with set up, and more! 

Our current and past volunteers are amazing, and have been integral to our work. If you want to join us and find out about opportunities to donate your time, register here