Six Ways to Reopen Safely and Efficiently


Last week C3 hosted the first Better Business Challenge Lunch-n-Learn entitled Strike a Balance featuring John Semmelhack of Think Little, Tom McLaughlin of Engineering Solutions, and C3’s Teri Kent. If you weren’t able to join us, below I’ve summarized six highlights below. You can also watch the recorded webinar (link provided at the end of this blog).

1- IAQ 101

Scientists and doctors tell us that the novel coronavirus is most transmittable by aerosols (very fine particles or droplets). So when it comes to maintaining healthy indoor air quality (IAQ), increased ventilation and high quality filtration are key. You can increase ventilation by bringing in outside fresh air to be circulated in your indoor space. Then use the highest quality filter(s) with a MERV rating of at least 13 to trap any virus-carrying aerosols that may be circulating indoors.  

Following scientific guidelines, you’ll want a 2” or deeper MERV-rated 13+ filter so that it avoids negative interactions with air handlers and furnaces. These filters are available from local hardware stores, local HVAC contractors, as well as many of the big online retailers. Be advised that MERV 13+ filters are currently in high demand due to the combined effects of COVID response and wildfires in the Western states. 

Box Fan w Filter.png

2- Low-Tech Tips

John recommends using an Energy-Star HEPA air cleaner to trap particulates and increase air quality. But a filtration system doesn't have to be ultra sophisticated. Increased ventilation can be as simple as opening a window to bring in fresh air (at least until severe cold weather arrives). If you’re not able to purchase a high-quality air filtration system and have smaller space needs, you can create a DIY version with a MERV 13+ filter affixed to a box fan. 

3- Consider a CO2 Monitor

Excellent air quality is indicated with low CO2 measurements, between 400 and 600 ppms (parts per million). CO2 levels between 600 to 800 are still considered good, but anything between 800 and 1,000 are marginal and levels over 1,000 are not recommended. John recommends using a CO2 monitor like AirVisual Pro or Kaiterra Laser Egg to monitor indoor air quality.


4- Bringing WELL Standards and Climate Actions Together

Tom McLaughlin is the principal engineer and a partner with Engineering Solutions, a local engineering firm. Tom is also a WELL-certified AP, which is a building standard that includes a checklist of 21 actions that prioritizes the health of the people working and interacting with the built environment. Using this framework, Tom, Anna Gayle Henry of Shift Sustainability Consulting, and C3 created a checklist that blends health & safety WELL actions with our Better Business Challenge actions. The checklist (available here) focuses on three categories -- climate negative (e.g. increased water use, for example), climate neutral, and climate positive actions (e.g. the use of cotton towel dispensers to save on waste and energy). Tom highlighted actions from the checklist like installing an under-the-sink grey water capture system that reuses water for toilet flushing; using continuous cotton paper towel dispensers (photo at left); and purchasing Green-seal certified cleaning products. These are all viable examples to offset environmental impacts due to taking increased safety measures.



5- Energy Conservation in your Operations 

The last speaker, C3’s Teri Kent, shared six local success stories from past Better Business Challenge participants Peace Lutheran Church, Hantzmon Wiebel, Firefly Restaurant, Southern Environmental Law Center, Sun Tribe Solar company, and Peabody School. The one thing all of the businesses had in common, whether owners or tenants of their building, was that they had a dedicated volunteer “green team” of at least two engaged employees. From there, they all kicked off their climate action and energy conservation with an energy and lighting assessment. The C3 assessment provider list includes LEAP, 2RW, Think Little, and Energreen Consulting and Batteries Plus Bulbs.

The Peabody School was able to reduce their electricity bill by 44% with a LED lighting upgrade and a rooftop solar installation. And Firefly’s window tinting on their west-facing, large warehouse-style windows is expected to reduce their solar heat gain by 43%!

A viable option for tenants who can’t go solar would be to offset energy use through Renewable Energy Credits or RECs. C3 helped Southern Environmental Law Center select a REC provider in line with their values and develop a budget to offset their desired percentage of electricity consumption.

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6- Engage Your Employees

Finally Teri recommended two other ways to engage employees. You can conduct an Energy Treasure Hunt with employees to find opportunities to save money in the office once everyone is back in the office. And for those who still have employees working from home, we recommend starting a fun interoffice competition with C3’s six-week Home Energy Challenge. This is a great way to increase energy awareness and boost morale during these challenging times.

Recently, two teams from Apex Clean Energy competed against each other and collectively saved 30 tons of CO2e by taking actions in their homes to reduce their carbon footprint. Email C3’s Andrea Bostrom to sign up for the Home Energy Challenge!

 To access all the following event materials, please click here.

  • Strike A Balance Presentation Slides

  • WELL Checklist - Health, Safety, & Climate

  • WELL Health Safety Rating Overview

  • 2020 Better Business Challenge Scorecards

  • Watch and share the recorded webinar

We’ll see you at our next Lunch-n-Learn, “The Cleanest Commute” is slated for mid-October and will bring you resources for building a strong telework program. 


Events like this Lunch-n-Learn are made possible in part by our Better Business Challenge sponsor, UVA Community Credit Union, and gifts from community members like you. Visit our website to learn more about C3 and support local climate action with a gift today.