Staff Picks for Your Summer Climate Reading


As summer blazes on, everyone needs a good book– whether you’re unwinding after a long workday, or you’re taking that (much deserved!) beach vacation. Check out our staff members' book recommendations for this summer. We’ve collected a variety of fiction and nonfiction environmentally-focused books. ‘Read on’ to learn more!


How to Read Water: Clues and Patterns from Puddles to the Sea by Trisian Gooley

Recommended by Katie ebinger

“This is a narrative nonfiction book that combines history, ecology, and hydrology. It's digestible, entertaining, and informative--the perfect book to help you gear up for a summer river float or a trip to the beach. I find myself revisiting chapters often throughout the summer months.”  


Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

recommended by coles jennings

“Ishmael helped me to fundamentally question and examine the role that the human species plays in the balance of nature, and how every single person can do their part to restore that balance.”


The Myth of Wild Africa by Jonathan S. Adams and Thomas O. McShane

recommended by Eryn rhodes

“I had to read this for a college class— it was eye-opening. It’s by two journalists and about colonialism’s effect on the African environment. Throughout the colonial period, ‘mythical’ imagery regarding Africa’s ‘pristine’ natural landscape emerged. It's important to know how deep-rooted prejudices are a detriment to African conservation movements– and how even NGO’s activism can further inequities.”


Can Business Save the Earth? Innovating Our Way to Sustainability by Michael Lenox and Aaron Chatterji

recommended by teri strother

“It was a great primer on sustainable business and super hopeful about business' ability and opportunity to embrace climate solutions. I also appreciated the format. Each constituency (business, innovator, manager, investor, customer, and system) has a correlating chapter, making it easily digestible.”


Not a big reader, or just don’t have the time? Check out this movie recommended by our policy director, Caetano de Campos Lopes:


The Letter: A Message for our Earth

Dir. Nicholas brown; in collaboration with the laudato si movement

This film is about Pope Francis’ unique encyclical letter that addressed climate change and environmental issues. The movie brings together underrepresented voices to highlight how a diversity of thought will be necessary to address all the facets of our current climate crisis. On Sunday, July 23, 2023 at 2:30 PM at the Church of the Incarnation in Charlottesville, VA you can see the film in Spanish (with English subtitles) and hear from local leaders from C3, IMPACT, Latino Conservation Week, Virginia Interfaith, and the Church of Incarnation.


Keep up with C3’s blog and social media for other reading or viewing recommendations!