Got Questions About Going Solar? We've Got Answers!


Thinking about going solar at home? Check out our new resources to help make your solar dream a reality!

Solar energy is becoming one of the most popular electricity sources: it simultaneously addresses environmental concerns while providing economic benefits. More and more homeowners are thinking about making the transition to cleaner energy, especially in light of the solar tax credit increase from 26% to 30%. However, making the switch can feel overwhelming, leaving many homeowners with questions. 

To give homeowners answers and resources, C3 hosted a recent webinar “Before You Go Solar at Home” with three experts: Jeff Hegeman, Director of Sales for Tiger Solar; Aaron Sutch, Regional Director for Solar United Neighbors; and Katie VanLangren, Co-Executive Director for the Local Energy Alliance Program. We collected over 30 questions, ranging from “how does net metering work?”, to “what funding is out there if I’m a senior?”, to “how do I compare quotes?”.

Check out the recording, with each section timestamped for your convenience. Additionally, read over our FAQ page for common questions and answers highlighted in the webinar.

What We Covered

Jeff Hegeman (Tiger Solar) gave an overview of what you should know before you start the solar installation process. He addressed important questions to ask your solar provider, such as whether or not they subcontract, what warranties they offer, and what to consider when comparing quotes. Additionally , he explained the (often misunderstood) concept of net metering– and how it relates to your solar installation’s return investment. Finally, he touched on federal investment tax credit incentives. 

In addition to Jeff’s expertise, two nonprofit professionals spoke regarding the opportunities in finding guidance on the installation process, your legal rights, and solar’s current accessibility within Virginia. Katie VanLangren from LEAP plugged their Solarize program for Virginians– which launched Wednesday, July 5th and runs through Thursday, August 31st (2023). To make going solar as seamless as possible. LEAP vets installation companies and offers support throughout the process, helping homeowners make educated decisions. You can learn more in Katie’s section of the webinar or on their website.

Worried about cost? Katie also outlined how low-income and age-qualifying Dominion energy residents can receive a solar panel installation free of charge. 

Aaron Sutch of Solar United Neighbors explained the current state of community solar projects. With “Community Solar,” a third party owns and monetizes the credits of the system and gives you a payment based on the amount of energy the system produces. Unfortunately, it isn’t widely deployed in Virginia (with the exception of low income customers). 

An important note for residents who live within a Homeowners Association, many people wrongly assume that an HOA can veto rooftop solar panels. In reality, a 2020 ruling (made possibly in part by SUN, as a national advocacy group) made it harder for HOAs to impose restrictions on solar, as outlined by Sutch. Know your rights and don’t hesitate to consult LEAP’s guide on the topic.

Something left unanswered? If there is a question that we didn’t get to, be sure to email our Make Your Own Impact team at