Protecting Climate Progress - Virginia’s 2022 General Assembly

The Virginia 2022 General Assembly session starts this week in Richmond. State-level policy can have a big impact on our ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the local level. The Community Climate Collaborative is proud of the progress our Commonwealth has made over the last two years and will be following several key issues to ensure that those gains will be protected and strengthened. 

What We are Watching

The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) - Keeping Virginia in RGGI, which we joined in 2021, and maintaining the current funding allocations of the program supports residential energy efficiency programs and local climate resiliency projects to counter the effects of climate change. This is particularly important for the reduction of energy costs for low-income residents and improving local infrastructure. In its first year, RGGI has generated $228 million for the these programs, and the Community Flood Preparedness Fund (CFPF) and High innovation Energy Efficiency (HIEE) funds are currently deploying these funds statewide. 

The Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA) - Keeping Virginia on the path to a 100% zero-carbon electricity grid by maintaining the policy commitments of the VCEA, which passed in 2020, is already spurring investments in solar, wind, battery storage, and energy efficiency. Continuing toward a zero-carbon electricity grid allows our localities to meet commitments to reduce our carbon footprint.

Virginia’s Clean Car Standards and Electric Vehicle Rebate Program - In 2021, the General Assembly passed Clean Car Standards to help Virginians access cleaner, more efficient vehicles while reducing pollution in our communities. Keeping these standards in place and funding the electric vehicle rebate program recognizes that transportation is the leading source of carbon pollution in Virginia. 

Locality Funding for Battery Electric Buses - Virginia’s Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) most recent Capital Assistance Rule that includes funding for Battery Electric Buses and the installation of their electric charging structures should be maintained. Accessible, clean transit is a high priority for communities across the Commonwealth, and state funds must match clean bus investments with at least the same rule as they fund fossil-fuel-powered buses. This is necessary to eliminate market bias toward fossil fuels and enable cities and counties to develop modern and efficient transit systems, which are critical for reliable workforce transport and access to essential services.

How You can Help

Attend the Virginia Conservation Network's (VCN) Conservation Lobby Day - Nothing beats virtual-face-to-virtual-face contact with your legislators. They need to hear from their constituents that maintaining climate leadership is critical. VCN makes it super easy to share your views from your living room.

Contact your Legislator -  State lawmakers need to hear from you! Send them an email or make a phone call. This is the month to get active in Virginia. Don’t know your elected officials? Look up your legislator with this easy link. Then make your voice heard.

Add Your Business to C3’s Letter to the General Assembly - Virginia-based businesses have a key role to play in shaping state policy on climate. Know a business leader who cares about climate? Send them this letter and ask them to support C3’s advocacy on climate.

Sign-Up for C3’s Newsletter - Stay informed about opportunities to take local action on climate and learn how you can make your own impact!