Meet Latricia Giles, C3's Residential Climate and Equity Program Manager


This summer we want you to get to know our growing team. Latricia moved from Wake Forest to Charlottesville to join our team and positively impact our community. Find out her role and what she enjoys most about this work!


Briefly describe your role at C3.

My role is to engage and empower the Charlottesville/ Albemarle community to not only become more aware about the growing climate crisis we are facing, but also helping to equip our community to take action in their own lives by advancing a culture of climate action. We want to cultivate advocates for climate-friendly and equitable local policies.  

What is one thing you've done at C3 that you are proud of?

Even though I am still fairly new to the team and consider there will be many proud moments to come,  I would definitely say the climate/social justice camp and high school internship programs that I got a chance to create this summer.  It was really amazing to see our local youth leaders taking a stand against climate injustices and working to create conversations and solutions to combat our climate crisis. Our teens and campers were just such a breath of fresh air to work, learn with, and help to shape a better tomorrow for our community, nation, and world. Please make sure you go follow and support our teen interns on Instagram @c3_teens2021. I am also grateful for our partnerships with the Boys and Girls ClubCCF Foundation, the Bridge Progressive Arts Initiative as well as the Charlottesville Mural Project so stay tuned! 

What do you like most about working at C3?

So far what I most like about working at C3 is the authentic family feeling. I moved during a pandemic and a host of other life events have happened, but the team has been more than amazing and supportive. It is truly refreshing. I am happy to be a part of a team that cares and also giving me opportunities to grow and create new programs professionally.

What is something that people are surprised to learn about you?

I guess one thing that people are surprised to learn about me is that I want to be a restaurant, or I would love to own a breakfast slash brunch restaurant because I just love breakfast. I think it's the best meal of the day! So that's a little bit of insight into who I am. I am a foodie. So if you'd like to have breakfast, and you wanna schedule a one-on-one you know what to do!