Democracy is a Climate Solution

Photo by Kari Sullivan on Unsplash

Here at C3, we spend most of our time collaborating with community members, engaging them wherever they are and assisting them in charting a course of personal and organizational climate action. From residents to major businesses, and from social justice advocates to schools, we join hands to embrace the Urgency of Now in climate action. Building on these relationships, we engage our city and county governments, not only in setting ambitious IPCC-aligned climate goals, but also in crafting climate plans and policies.

This November there is yet another powerful form of climate action within our collective grasp: Democracy. We must come to see that Democracy itself is an indispensable Climate Solution. In the face of the challenge of climate change, our society and our planet urgently needs smart, creative public policy at every level of government. Such public policy, or lack thereof, is a direct function of who is elected.  As they say, elections have consequences.

In 2020, we are decades past when “kicking the can down the road” was an acceptable decision. We must elect leaders who are ready to prioritize action on climate based on the understanding that it is vital to, and not in conflict with, public health, job growth, a vibrant economy, and the equitable treatment of all of our citizens. 

The only way we get the leadership we need is through our collective participation in our democracy, by each of us exercising our right to vote. 

It is my hope that you will exercise your power to vote on November 3rd, or in advance through an absentee ballot. Please find the comprehensive information about voting in Virginia on the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy (VICPP) 2020 Voter Guide and share it with your friends and family.

Click on the image below to download this helpful 2020 Voter Guide Trifold.