Turning Charlottesville into Community

Logo Transition

The Charlottesville Climate Collaborative (C3) started our journey two years ago as an organization committed to creating climate solutions right here at home in our community of Charlottesville. Together, we have made incredible progress. 

More than 100 Charlottesville-area businesses, 388 households, 1,000 residents, and two dozen schools and social justice organizations joined our efforts to lead on climate and reduce energy use, saving more than three quarters of a million dollars, and more than 4,900 metric tons of carbon emissions. As a community, we successfully advocated for Charlottesville’s City Council and Albemarle County’s Board of Supervisors to set best-in-class goals of 45% reduction of community-wide GHG emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2050. 

By taking action in your homes, your businesses, and your schools and by raising your voices to demand leadership action, you have created a community ready to lead on climate. The C3 team will continue to work closely with each of you to build a cleaner and healthier future for Charlottesville.

Of course, climate is not just a challenge for Charlottesville. Climate emissions and resilience are issues that every community must address. That is why after two years, the Charlottesville Climate Collaborative will become the Community Climate Collaborative. Our new name expands the reach of the C3 team and acknowledges that our work with Albemarle County means we also represent Crozet, Scottsville, Esmont, Ivy, Free Union, and others. 

Our new logo recognizes the momentum that you have given our organization. We have always believed that we were building something special here, a model that could be used to help other communities embrace climate leadership. You have shown our team, our board of directors, and other cities across Virginia what is possible when we all work together.

The rising sun on a blue sky is symbolic of hope. Hope you have given us with your actions, your advocacy, and your determination to build a better future in your homes, your businesses, your schools, and your community. 

While C3 may grow, our commitment to bring climate solutions to this community will not waver. Our work here is far from complete. We hope you will continue to support C3 and continue taking action right here at home, as we work together to reduce emissions one household, one building, one community at a time.

—Susan Kruse, Executive Director