Films To Look Out For At This Year’s Film Festival

As the time approaches for this year’s Virginia Film Festival, C3 wanted to highlight a few films to look out for this festival season related to the important work of climate action and the environment. I’m personally really looking forward to the showing of 2040, and I already got my tickets!

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October 25 - 6:00pm - St. Anne’s Belfield School


Follow two rangers from the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Central Kenya as they navigate the peaks and valleys of conservation efforts and their relationship with the only remaining white rhine, Sudan. 

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The Pollinators 

October 27 - 11:00am - Newcomb Hall Theatre


Garner a greater appreciation of the pivitor role of honeybees to our ecosystem in this cinematic documentary. 


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Sea of Shadows

October 27 - 11:00am - St. Anne’s-Belfield School


This documentary offers an interesting look at the conflicts facing the health of our seas and the brave work people do to protect them. 

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October 27 - 2:00pm - Newcomb Hall Theatre 


This film takes an optimistic, idealized approach to what our world could look like in 2040 if genuine positive environmental change is implemented.

Let us know if you plan to attend any of these showings and support the VAFF!