C3 Welcomes New Executive Director

Susan Kruse.JPG


For Immediate Release

Charlottesville Climate Collaborative Welcomes New Executive Director

Charlottesville, Virginia – January 15, 2019

The Charlottesville Climate Collaborative (C3), a local environmental nonprofit, is excited to welcome its first Executive Director, Susan Kruse. 

Susan has been advocating for environmental protection and justice for 25 years.  After a decade spent working to protect the Allegheny forest in her native Pennsylvania and other national forests, she took her passion for philanthropy and justice to the Legal Aid Justice Center in Charlottesville as the Director of Development. There she became a major gifts specialist.  Before joining C3, she served as the Director of Philanthropy for Appalachian Voices. 

"I am thrilled to merge my passion for the environment, justice, and the greater Charlottesville area as the Executive Director of the Charlottesville Climate Collaborative,” Kruse says. “How Charlottesville responds to climate issues over the next few years will greatly impact future generations and the most vulnerable members of our community. Working with all sectors in our community including businesses, schools, and citizens is a key part of the solution, and I am honored that the board and staff has entrusted me with this important task. "

Grey McLean, C3’s Founder and Board Chairperson, had this to say: "We are excited to have Susan join us. In addition to a wealth of local and environmental experience, she brings the leadership and relationship building talent that C3 needs to realize our vision of cross-sector, community-driven climate action in Charlottesville."

In 2018, C3 helped 121 local households avoid over 80 tons of C02e and avoid over $13,000 in household costs. Additionally, the Better Business Challenge has 86 of Charlottesville’s top businesses and nonprofits (like Worldstrides, Colonial Nissan, and the United Way) engaging in a friendly competition to save energy in the workplace.

More About C3

The Charlottesville Climate Collaborative aims to elevate local climate action with a broad, inclusive, and cross-sector approach.  The Home Energy Challenge for residents and the Better Business Challenge for nonprofits and businesses provide climate solutions that are practical, tangible, and quantifiable for all residents and organizations in our community.

Website: cvilleclimate.org
Email: teri@cvilleclimate.org
Twitter: @Cvilleclimate

Instagram: Cvilleclimate
Facebook: Charlottesville Climate Collaborative


PRESS CONTACT: Teri Kent, Director of Programs and Communication, Charlottesville Climate Collaborative, at (434) 466-5157 or mailto:teri@cvilleclimate.org.