Welcome to our blog!

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Whether you have never before thought about how to reduce your climate impact or you are a vegetarian who lives in a solar-powered yurt and bikes to work, we want to high-five you and then encourage and inspire you to take the next step to reduce climate pollution.

This blog is for people from every sector of our diverse community. From local business owners to stay-at-home moms, from UVA staff members to environmentalists, and from faith leaders to community activists (and everyone in between), C3 wants to be your home for local climate action.

We will be gathering the team – across our entire community – into a collective huddle to talk about a real game plan on climate action!

With this blog, we hope to fuel our mission to catalyze local climate action; we hope to keep you “in the know” on local climate action; we want to let you know how you can make change in your own life; we want to take it up a notch and lead on climate!  

We believe that this challenge involves every one of us.  If you agree, Add Your Voice! Help us reach our goal of 500 voices in the next 30 days.


Photo Credit: Andrew Shurtleff