Meet C3's Summer High School Interns


Welcome, High School Interns! C3 is excited to introduce Ion, Amanda, and Josie to the office. 

This summer, our interns will be creating a youth version of the Make Your Own Impact guidebook, peer-to-peer guidance on how to get involved in climate justice, and doing a special group film project with our partners at Light House Studio. They’ll be learning critical filmmaking skills like creative storytelling and imagery. 

We look forward to seeing all of their creations at the end of this summer!

High School Interns

Amanda Bilchick, Western Albemarle

Amanda is a rising junior at Western Albemarle High School from Charlottesville, Virginia. She is the co-president of her school’s environmental club, “Earth Warriors,” as well as a founder of the Charlottesville hub of the national Sunrise Movement. She is passionate about environmental advocacy, particularly policy-making, and hopes to study sustainability in college. Although the fight for climate action is never ending, she enjoys playing tennis and being outside during her breaks.

Josie Fischman, Charlottesville

Josie is a rising senior at Charlottesville High School. She is co-president of her school’s environmental club, “Green BACON.” She has been passionate about conservation since middle school and very excited to be interning at C3. In her free time, Josie likes to play violin, spend time outdoors, and do crosswords.

Ion Robinson, Monticello

Ion is a self-motivated and success-oriented rising sophomore at Monticello High School.  Deeply involved in a variety of extracurriculars, he is a member of his school’s Esports team, takes photography, and plays in the school band. Ion has worked in and alongside nature for years– mountain biking, hiking, and helping out the neighborhood are all interests of his.

Keep up with our blog and social media to see what these C3 team members are up to over the coming months.